A registered 501(c)3 Nonprofit Organization supporting the Restaurant and Hospitality Service Industry with a focus on mental health, suicide and substance use prevention. In the Weeds does this by providing resources and opportunities to build healthier individual lifestyles and a stronger community.
IN THE WEEDS aim is to support the overall health of restaurant & hospitality staff.
WE ARE A NETWORK of Restaurant Owners, Managers, Chefs, Servers, and more. According to SAMHSA, our industry is the third highest for Substance Use Disorder (SUD). Chefs and Head Cooks are among the highest for suicide rates in the US from data collected by the CDC. These debilitating data points and anecdotal instances are why our network strives to invoke change in the deeply rooted cultures of our industry.
OUR PRIMARY FOCUS is to create new and healthy lifestyle choices amongst staff and employers, while also creating public awareness of challenges and barriers our industry faces.
OUR APPROACH is Three-Fold:
1. TOP-DOWN: Giving owners/operators the tools to strengthen the livelihood of their teams.
2. MIDDLE-OUT: Providing tools and resources to staff that can help reduce or prevent Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and also address Suicide Prevention. We do this by working with the Social Determinants of Health in our programs and community partners.
3. BOTTOM-UP: Building public awareness to influence how guests interact with staff and how to support businesses supporting their teams.

Programs & Activities

Supportive Networks
Near & Far