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In the Weeds is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that works to support restaurant and hospitality staff in order to create a sustainable workforce in the community


Our vision is to provide a safe and comfortable space for members of the service industry to openly discuss, process, and receive support around issues that arise within the service community and related culture. We believe in fostering a supportive community within the service industry and support the message that members are not alone in struggles and have a safe community to turn to in seeking support. It is the purpose of the organization to strengthen the restaurant community within its community.


n. "a dynamic state of physical, mental, and social well-being".

Simply put, taking care of oneself is essential for taking good care of others. We support the notion that there are many other factors aside from physical health that affects an individual's wellbeing. That is why we are here to provide connection to resources in all aspects, whether it be mental, financial, social, or physical. 


Our support system intends to celebrate the independence and equality of individual community members. While social connectedness is important, we all have our individual needs. Diverse individuals comprise our community, and should be supported and celebrated independently as a part of the whole.


Having stability and honesty with oneself can create the confidence and wholeness needed for a sustainable workforce. By providing resources and training opportunities for employers we help build individual and organizational integrity.


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